Observations from 10am-12pm

Some general observations:

  • "Pit sitting" does not necessarily entail sitting inside the pit. The tables that the majority of organizations use are located at the top of the steps (in front of the Student Union) and not actually in the middle of the pit.
  • Some organizations such as the GAA were allowed to set up inside the pit. Others such as the sorority Phi Mu were not.
  • A hunger lunch began at 10:30am and thus food was being served inside of the pit.
  • General places of congregation were outside of the Union, Lenior, and the Daily Grind (where the tables were located) and in to the left of Lenior on the brick wall (diagonally from the UL entrance)
  • Pit traffic significantly increased around 11:50am as well as people entering Lenior and the Union- this increased the volume of people surrouding the pit and well as the noise level
Textual Signs:
  • The wooden signs located outside of the Union that different organizations paint. On our observation day there were a variety of events/organizations being advertised.
    • "Shag Goodbye to Summer with the Craig Woolard Band at Bob's"
    • "Carolina Conversations: Justice for all?" sponsered by the UNC Young Democrats
    • Teach for America
    • Starworkz: Community Theater- acting, helping the community, making kids smile
  • Other physical signs included restuarant advertisements such as "Get and ICE inside of Lenior" and Chick-fil-A. These signs are mobile and can be moved around the pit. Another sign was the "Master Plan of Development" sign located in front of Lenior (closer to Davis) and was permanantly inside of the ground.
  • Wachovia ATM- it is interesting to note that the pit is a center for banking but only for Wachovia customers
Non textual Signs:
  • Where people congregate (outside of certain buildings such as Lenior and the Union but not actually inside of the pit)
  • People use the pit stairs not only for entering/leaving the actual pit area but also for sitting/reading
  • The pit area is not only an area of congregation but also an area in which many people study/do homework