Observations from 5-7 p.m.

Some general observations

  • People gathered around the trash cans, the front door of Lenior, and on the stone walls
  • No one actually gathers in the Pit, only around it (i.e. the steps and elevated part)
  • Around 5:30 p.m. only half of the tables were occupied outside the Daily Grind and the Union
  • At the tables that were occupied, everyone was sitting by themselves
  • Two people painted the large signs outside of the Union at around 5:15 p.m.
  • Majority of bike riders walk their bike through the Pit
  • All people sitting on the steps of the Pit are reading
  • People gather in groups of 3-7
  • Majority of people still have backpacks on
  • Two people handing out fliers in front of Lenior (trying to catch dinner rush)
  • Starting at 5:50 p.m. the area was the busiest, dying down by 6:10 p.m.
  • Around 6 p.m. the number of people at the tables tripled
  • Busier at 5:30-6 p.m. than from 5-5:30 p.m.
  • A lot of people get food to go (from Alpine, Daily Grind, Subway, etc.)

Textual signs

  • Lenior food ads (ICEE, Chik-fil-a, Subway)
  • UL, Student Stores, Union, Lenior signs
  • Sporting event advertisement
  • Big painted signs (no one really stops to read them because you can see them from far away)

Non-textual signs

  • Brick walls – people sit on them because they see other people sitting
  • Deep depression in the ground
  • Napkins and trash on the ground show that people have been hanging out the Pit
  • Stains on tables outside Lenior show the area is used
  • Fliers on the ground
  • A point to incorporate nature into the mainly brick area seen by the planted flowers etc.
  • Lights turned on at 6:30 p.m. – makes it “safer,” makes the Pit a 24-hour meeting place, or at least an after dark place to meet

Observations from 3-5 p.m.


  • The pit was relatively empty between 3-5 p.m.
  • Few students within the pit itself
  • Most occupants were seated outside the Daily Grind, Student Union, or Lenoir Dining Hall
  • At the Daily Grind, customers were in conversation with others
  • Outside the Union and Lenoir, the majority of students were seated by themselves with textbooks and other school materials.
  • Constant flow of students walking through the Pit on their way to class or some other destination.
  • Occasionally, students would stop and talk with someone they recognized, these conversations were generally less than five minutes in length.
  • Highest traffic around 3:50 and 4:50 when students got out of class.
  • No organizations were set up during this time period.
Textual Signs:
  • ICEE and Subway signs outside Lenoir
  • Posters in the Student Store windows
Non-textual Signs
  • Tables located around Lenoir, Student Union, and the Daily Grind
  • Stacked up chairs in the middle of the Pit representing the fact that campus organizations could not participate in "pit sitting" during these hours.

Pit Interview Questions

We interviewed students in the pit throughout the day to gain insight about their perceptions of the pit.

Q: What is your year in school?
A: Freshman (6); Sophomore (8); Junior (11); Senior (8)

Q: How does your perception of the Pit change at night?
A: The Pit is definitely more quiet. It remains as a place to meet up, but not to hang out. Has a more serious feel to it than during the day.

Q: What two hour time period do you think is busiest in the Pit during the day?
A: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Q: If you were to look at a picture of the Pit, how would you know it was the Pit?
A: Bricked area with steps leading down into it. Two trees in the middle.

Q: What does the Pit symbolize to you?
A: The central hub and hangout spot on campus. Great place to meet up with friends, study, take a study break, or grab a bite to eat. The Pit is also the home of campus organizations "pit sitting" on a daily basis.

Q: How do the interactions of people in the Pit change throughout the course of the day.
A: In the morning, people seem to be in a rush to get to classes, and have little time to stop and chat. By lunchtime, the Pit is bustling with people meeting up and just hanging out. Later in the afternoon, the Pit is still the location of meetings and conversations, but these are usually more school related meetings rather than social meetings.

Note: There were no distinguishing differences between the answers given by the different class years. The Pit seems to be the center of social gathering during the day no matter how long you have been at UNC.